
Scope for private investment in schools in Ghana

Most of the times i have been writing on the scope for private tertiary institutions in Ghana and other African countries, but recently during a discussion with few education stakeholders, they prompted me to do a preliminary report on scope for school education in Ghana. I grabbed this opportunity and analysed some of the published data on school  education in Ghana to make my inferences. Below are some of the findings with my interpretation for the scope of private investment in primary schools in Ghana. For a comparative study, i have used data for Uganda also in some of my tables. Goals To take decision on undertaking preparation of detailed project report based upon the findings of preliminary report on scope for private investment in schools in Ghana. Methods Comparative analysis of data available on demography and education (preprimary, primary & secondary) in Ghana. Analysing of response to mini survey on the expectations of Ghanaian's from schools in Ghan
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